Using Digital Dashboards to Implement and Evaluate Programs

Figure 5. CIPP Evaluation Model

Source: Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning (2021). CIPP Model, Yale University.

The CIPP Evaluation Model Checklist provides a tool for applying the CIPP Model to assess projects and

programs. The purpose of the checklists (Stufflebeam 2015 ) are to :

1. Help evaluators carry out sound evaluations and evaluation plans;

2. Assure the evaluation generates timely information to execute deliverables for targeted audiences;

3. To evaluate and report program quality, cost-effectiveness, integrity, feasibility, safety, equity,

significance, and lessons learned;

4. Help assure evaluation findings will be used for the purposes of program improvement and

accountability; and

5. Help avoid pitfalls that could impair the evaluation’s success.


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