Using Digital Dashboards to Implement and Evaluate Programs

updated each time an event is scheduled within the “Master Schedule.” This tool helps the team to en sure

that scholarships are not overspent and tracks the progress towards completing key deliverables.

Figure 9. Scholarship Tracker

Also found under the Programming Links section is the “Teams'' link that takes team members directly to the

Microsoft Teams platform. This is where the larger collection of program material and official documents are

stored, and where team members can directly communicate with other team members via a messaging

platform. The “ MyExtension ” link takes team members directly to an event scheduling and reporting portal,

the first step in planning most workshops and training. (This is not the same for all of the mental health

programs). The “Qualtrics” link takes team members directly to one of the data collections tools, and most of

the pre- and post- evaluation surveys are accessed directly via Qualtrics.

MU Extension Programs

This section includes the official “MU Extension Programs” which are managed via the Farm Stress

Dashboard. Each of these links takes team members directly to the MU Extension website where the relevant

Farm Stress programs and resources are listed, marketed, and where individuals can access the online

registration system.


This section includes direct links to the official Facebook pages which are used to market and to share Farm

Stress resources. Centralizing the point of access allows instructors to quickly navigate to the social media

pages to confirm marketing posts, and quickly access online materials that can be directly shared on

Facebook pages of MU Extension County Extension, Regional Extension, and other sponsoring organizations.


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