Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms

Image of the change in the annual number of days with precipitation greater than the 99th percentile at the middle of the century using a high emissions scenario. Source:

What is the biggest climate-related challenge for your operation?

Climate Change Perceptions and Social Science

Surveys of the American public are performed regularly to gage perceptions on our changing climate. A majority of those surveyed agree with the statement that global warming is happening and humans are the primary cause. There is a disconnect, however, when it comes to the question of whether people feel that it impacts them personally. Science shows that climate change is real and here now, impacting all of us. However, there is a gap with scientific understanding and public perception. Climate is what drives the weather events we experience and also represents how climate change is manifested. Shifts and changes in weather extremes are a way in which we ‘feel’ climate change. Often it is the extremes (such as heat waves, droughts and floods) that are more impactful than changes in the averages. Social science research points out that framing discussion around our changing climate is paramount for successful dialog. Communication that highlights extreme weather, efficient resource management, health, and economics are some ways in which we can all come together on this paramount topic.


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