Opioid Response

Mental Health First Aid

Brief Description Certification course to providing education to equip individuals to recognize and respond to mental health crises. The goal of Mental Health First Aid is to keep people safe until professional intervention can occur. Opioid response supplement with information on signs and symptoms of overdose; participants learn to administer Naloxone.

Duration Course length is eight hours

Research Support Evidence-based according to SAMHSA standards. Evidence for significant impacts:





• To become a trainer: $2,000 for one-week (40-hour) training; travel/lodging not included

• Certification course: Varies; Typically ranges from $25-$100 per person

Handbooks are $25 each.

Contact Info

Jami Dellifield

Amanda Raines


Mental Health First Aid

YouTube Video

URL : https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/ Approach Type: Household , Individual Format: In-person , Presentations , Role-based Scenarios , Skill Practice , Training MD Addiction: Mental Disease Response Type: Education Targeted Audience: College Students , Community , Elected or Appointed Leaders , Extension Professionals , Individuals , Teachers , University Professionals , Youth , Youth Leaders


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