Using Digital Technology in Extension Education

Part Six: Resources Resources have been provided throughout the publication. These are additional resources that may interest you. Each of the resources included in this section has been curated by the authors/contributors to this publication. These resources fit the following criteria for posting:  Materials were relevant to the topic, as well as informative and useful to Extension programs and professionals.  Materials were easily accessible in some type of online format.

Accessible U: University of Minnesota

This webpage explores the ins and outs of how to create web accessible content. Very specific how-to guides. URL:

Basic Checklist for Online Content Accessibility: Michigan State University

This is a short checklist providing tips on how to make content more accessible. URL:

Digital Accessibility: Cornell Cooperative Extension This website contains a wealth of resources about digital accessibility, including links to downloadable reference guides, and resources and tips by content type. Especially helpful are the tools and techniques for those with low- bandwidth. URL:

Social Media Accessibility: Utah State University This document contains some simple but effective tips designed to improve social media accessibility. Tips

and how-to instructions are provided for a range of social media platforms. URL :

Social Media Accessibility Guidelines: Princeton University These comprehensive guidelines are designed to help users increase social media accessibility. Topics include alt text, video captioning, use of emojis and GIFS, and more. URL :

Explore Access: Accessible Online Learning Toolkit – University of Arkansas Explore Access is a web resource of the University of Arkansas – Partners for Inclusive Communities. This toolkit was developed in response to COVID-19 and provides important information about how to design an accessible online course. Comprehensive and easy to use. URL:


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