We didn’t have to start from scratch, though. We consulted and adapted prescribed fire education materials that already existed in other Extension programs, and we asked for additional input from our stakeholders and Extension colleagues around the country. The result is a science and knowledge- based program that leverages the great work other Extension programs have done and is relevant to our state’s unique needs. With Extension as the conduit for education and training, it has the potential to expand strategic use of prescribed fire (and other management tools and techniques) on a landscape scale through cross-boundary (public and private) land management treatments and partnerships.
Oregon Landscapes Oregon covers 98,000 square miles of rangelands, riparian areas, wetlands, and forests. The forests account for the largest portion of land — covering nearly thirty million acres, or just about half of the state — and have a diverse mix of owners: Local, state, and federal governments hold 64% of our forest land, while private owners (large and small) hold 34%, and Native American tribal forestland owners hold 2% (OFRI, 2021).
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