Part 6: References
Adlam, C., & Martinez, D. (2021, January 28). Project Firehawk: Decolonizing prescribed fire. Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network.
Haugo, R., Zanger, C., DeMeo, T., Ringo, T., Shlisky, A., Blankenship, K., Simpson, M., Mellen-McLean, K., Kertis, M., & Stern, M. (2015). A new approach to evaluate forest structure restoration needs across Oregon and Washington, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 335 ,(1).
Matonis, M.S. (2020). Insights and suggestions for certified prescribed burn manager program. Forest Stewards Guild [Report].
Melvin, M.A. (2020). National Prescribed Fire Use. National Association of State Foresters & Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils, Inc. [Report].
Oregon Forest Facts 2020-21 Edition [Fact sheet]. Oregon Forest Research Institute (accessed March 25, 2021).
Oregon Prescribed Fire Council (accessed May 22, 2021).
Quinn-Davidson, L. (2021, March 25). In our element: Changing liability standards to increase use of prescribed fire. Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network.
Spencer, A.G., Schultz, C.A., & Hoffman, C.M. (2015). Enhancing adaptive capacity for restoring fire-dependent ecosystems: The Fi re Learning Network’s Prescribed Fire Training. Ecology and Society, 20 , (3).
Weir, J.R. (2019). How can the NRCS get more prescribed fire on the ground? i&linkId=5e270640299bf15216707e0b&showFulltext=true Weir, J.R., Bauman, P., Cram, D., Kreye, J.K., Baldwin, C., Fawcett, J., Treadwell, M., Scasta, J.D., & Twidwell, D. (2020). Prescribed Fire: Understanding Liability, Laws and Risk [Fact sheet]. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, NREM- 2905. risk-nrem-2905.pdf
Full Connect Extension “Prescribed Fire Education & Training” chat, archived (2020).
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