With these new perspectives, we re-evaluated our process. We determined that our program team needed to be more adaptable because of all the changes and uncertainties related to the upcoming 2021 legislative session. Liability laws could change, and a CBM program could be mandated for implementation with the Board of Forestry responsible for creating and approving rules and regulations. Under the “fo undation first, plumbing later” heading, we decided to create an easy -to-read, less technical version of our content first. We decided to do the following: Create separate modules and publish them as part of a prescribed fire series similar to this work: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/ec1573. This series provides foundational information at a basic level. Our hope is that by gaining an understanding of prescribed fire, people will have an interest in participating in the CBM program, which will be more robust and technical.
Provide an in-person workshop and live-fire training opportunity as a beta test for NRCS staff based on draft modules and use the feedback from those interactions to refine the work.
Provide additional localized live fire training opportunities for NRCS by connecting staff to existing opportunities on USFS lands, TREX, etc.; learn from, adapt, and incorporate information gained from these experiences into future live-fire training, for non-fire professionals and landowners. Build an online opportunity for Oregon similar to the “ Basic Prescribed Fire Training,” that targets specific audiences (e.g., agency or landowner) and narrows in on specific topics (e.g., broadcast burning, pile burning).
In taking the third piece of advice — leverage partnerships — we were grateful for the participation of several agencies, organizations, and people:
ODF (state partnership)
NRCS and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) (federal partnership)
OPFC (collective prescribed fire community)
Individual contributors: Aaron Groth, Amanda Rau, Chris Adlam, Ariel Cowan, John Rizza, Katie Wollstein, Daniel Leavell, Stephen Fitzgerald, Jacob Putney, Dan Stark, and John Punches from OSU; Ryan Gordon, Jason Pettigrew, Christina Clemons, and Tim Holschbach from the ODF; Amy Markus, USFS; and Andrew Owen, NRCS; Jenna Knobloch, OPFC
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