• Mapping the byway route and Asset Mapping of Byway Resources • Creation of the Expanded Corridor Management Plan (sample plan available at https://tinyurl.com/yr5tkpas. The Corridor Management Plan is a written strategic plan that outlines how to protect and enhance the intrinsic qualities that define a byway (NSBF Terms & Conditions Fact Sheet) • Reviewed the Corridor Management Plan with designated Ohio Department of Transportation Byway Consultant • Presented the Corridor Management Plan to ODOT Scenic Byways Committee for approval • Serves as the ongoing Byway Coordinator • Completes annual Ohio Department of Transportation Byway Surveys and attends state byway leader meetings Byway partners include Ohio Scenic Byways Links (Ohio Association of Byways); Athens, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, & Muskingum County Ohio Convention & Visitor Bureaus; and the Monroe County Parks District, as well as Buckeye Hills Regional Council, the Regional Transportation Planning Organization. The Appalachian Byway is also a member of the National Scenic Byways Foundation, a critical partner in ongoing professional education, advocacy, award opportunities and grants resources.
A variety of sample marketing tools and tactics for scenic byways include development of a brandmark, traditional print-based materials such as a brochure, maps and a promotional banner for events, web-based, and social media (sample Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/AppalachianBywayofOhio) Public relations efforts can promote the byway through placement in targeted tourism publications and regional and state media outlets. This included developing and writing press releases and story pitch ideas, as well as working to coordinate travel blog writer visits. Magazine placements included: American Road Magazine; Road Runner
Magazine; Ohio Magazine; and the Bountiful Blessings Travel Blog and America’s Byways focus at IPW . Partnering with the Ohio Department of Tourism industry listing database and the
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