Behavioral Change
We measured behavior in reference to shorebird habitat sensitivity by asking participants to self-report on how often they did a particular action before beginning the CARE course and then how often they believe they would do that same action after taking the CARE course. These questions were built on a 5- point Likert scale ranging from “nearly all of the time = 100%” to “none of the time =0%. Analysis was performed only on data collected from participants who completed both the pre and the post survey questions (n=13). We saw the greatest change in behavior when asked if participants provide guidance to their guests about where guests should refrain from walking (question 3, Table 1) when out on excursions. We also saw a decrease in the number of guides reporting that they allowed dogs on excursions- a shift from 12% of guides to 0% (question 4, Table 1). However, we saw an increase in self-reported excursions to areas with both nesting or roosting shorebirds by guides following the completion of the course (questions 1 & 2, Table 1). This may seem to be contrary to the educational efforts for reducing disturbance to these animals. Another explanation may be due to increased confidence in identification skills and appreciation of coastal species by participants rather than an increased intention to disturb the birds. The decision was made to refine the questions in future iterations to better capture the intended result. Results for each question are summarized in Table 1.
2021 NET Conference Proceedings
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